About Us



Who We Are

iAdvice Australia is a leader in offering financial planning in Australia, specialising in Retirement Planning and supporting applications for the Age Pension. Founder and financial advisor, Theo Karoumbalis, has been in the industry for over 13 years, successfully empowering over 100 clients to take control of their financial life and have confidence in the retirement they’ve always imagined.

Our Mission

Theo’s personal and genuinely caring nature provides iAdvice Australia a unique vantage and point of difference with clients all over Australia. The clients’ needs and interests come first and foremost, managing the entire process from start to finish, whether this means going above and beyond and speaking to personal advisors, family, lawyers, Theo does whatever it takes to completely understand clients’ lifestyle, personal situations and working to support their overall life goals.
With Theo’s exceptional experience, you can be sure you’re in trusted hands with expertise in financial planning and constantly upskilling and understanding investments and advancements in the global market place. This means you can expect regular economic updates.

Client Testimonials